UnCharitable changes the way people think. The more people we get to see it, the more change will happen.


Get everyone to see the movie, invite friends, family, coworkers, everyone needs to see Uncharitable



Your donation supports our efforts to make Uncharitable accessible to anyone who wants to see the film, join the movement or use Uncharitable as an educational tool worldwide.

The UnCharitable Pledge

Take the UnCharitable Pledge today and join the movement for meaningful change.


support a Department of Philanthropy in the President’s Cabinet

The Department of Philanthropy and Social Improvement would be the first-ever convening center at the level of the White House bringing philanthropists and nonprofits together to imagine, explore, and implement gigantic visions for social change. The big bold vision between philanthropies of all sizes and the nonprofit sector that translates philanthropy into exciting change. It will be an official recognition that we cannot create a country that works for everyone, with no one and nothing left out, without the street knowledge of the nonprofit sector and the entrepreneurial capital of philanthropy. The department will explore the most innovative and impactful solutions being brought to bear on social problems, from homelessness to suicide to illiteracy, disease, and more. It will connect those solutions to philanthropic funding. The goal will be large-scale proofs of concept that can be taken to the ultimate scale with federal funding.

The department will also unleash the imaginative potential of philanthropy and the more than $1.5 trillion locked up in philanthropic assets right now. It will explore how philanthropy can create structural change, making giving and compassion cornerstones of our civil society. It will coordinate massive ad campaigns – imagine a Super Bowl during which half of the ads are about generosity and the power of the American nonprofit t sector. Imagine a massive online iTunes for charity evaluation platform that can dramatically increase public confidence in the charitable sector and boost giving as a result. Imagine venture funds that can seed the best new ideas. Imagine massive consolidation through merger and acquisition incentives that give us one very large organization working on a social problem, instead of a thousand ineffectual small ones.

The Department of Philanthropy and Social Improvement is an idea whose time has come.


Here are nine options for using “UnCharitable” to incite a revolution:


Get your entire board to watch the movie, together, if possible.


Schedule a special staff meeting and get your entire team to watch the movie, again, together, if possible.


Contact your local high school or university about making the movie required curriculum for social studies and civics classes. We have a discussion guide that teachers can use to stimulate thinking and conversation. It will be available when the film is released for streaming.


Send an email to every friend and colleague for whom you have an email address asking them to watch the movie.


Post praise for the movie using #UnCharitableMovie on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and other social media. Link to the teaser that you can upload to social media right here.


Part of a book club? Have your club watch the movie and hold a special gathering to discuss it.


Recommend the movie to the executive director or development director of your favorite nonprofit organization.


Are you in charge of a business or nonprofit conference? Use the movie as keynote speaker content at the next conference.


Have your organization buy out a theater showing the week of our September Premiere. More info here.

Download the Official Discussion Guide

Enhance your post-viewing experience with the official Discussion Guide. Spark engagement with the key takeaways from “UnCharitable” and embark on a journey of reflection, aspiration and positive action.


Get your entire board to watch the movie, together, if possible.


Schedule a special staff meeting and get your entire team to watch the movie, again, together, if possible.


Contact your local high school or university about making the movie required curriculum for social studies and civics classes. We have a discussion guide that teachers can use to stimulate thinking and conversation. It will be available when the film is released for streaming.


Send an email to every friend and colleague for whom you have an email address asking them to watch the movie.


Post praise for the movie using #UnCharitableMovie on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and other social media. Link to the teaser that you can upload to social media right here.


Part of a book club? Have your club watch the movie and hold a special gathering to discuss it.


Recommend the movie to the executive director or development director of your favorite nonprofit organization.


Are you in charge of a business or nonprofit conference? Use the movie as keynote speaker content at the next conference.


Have your organization buy out a theater showing the week of our September Premiere. More info here.

“UnCharitable” Was Funded Enitrely with Private Donations from These Supporters:

The Kahlert Foundation, The Peery Foundation, Dell Loy & Lynnette Hansen Charitable Support Foundation, The Hartland Mackey Foundation, The RSO Foundation, The Chuck and Ernestina Kreutzkamp Foundation, The Steward Family Foundation, Anonymous Donor, Manos Foundation, The Orion Foundation, The Glucksman Family Charitable Trust, Virginia Piper Trust, Amanda Weitman

Recent Pledge From:
Peter Muffett
Netherfield, Battle, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom
Recent Pledge From:
Rosie Day
Brooklyn, NY, United States
Recent Pledge From:
Stephen Gyllenhaal
Los Angeles, California, United States
Recent Pledge From:
Henry Webster-Mellon
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
Recent Pledge From:
Jeffrey Miller
Fort Myers, Florida, United States
Recent Pledge From:
David Roth
Jerusalem, Jlm, Israel
Recent Pledge From:
Mary Gamble
Safety Harbor, Florida, United States
Recent Pledge From:
Susan Mchabcheb
Villa Park, Illinois, United States
Recent Pledge From:
Anonymous Pledge
Recent Pledge From:
Lexis Beattie
Hemmingford, Quebec, Canada